

Shortlisting is a crucial phase in the recruitment process where a selection committee or hiring manager narrows down a large pool of applicants to a smaller, more manageable list of candidates who meet the key qualifications for a position. This process typically involves reviewing resumes, cover letters, and application forms to identify candidates whose skills, experience, and qualifications align most closely with the job requirements. The goal is to focus on a subset of candidates who have the potential to be successful in the role, making the subsequent stages of the hiring process—such as interviews and assessments—more efficient.

Example of Use: “After receiving over 100 applications for the marketing manager position, the HR team began shortlisting candidates based on their relevant experience and skills. By the end of the week, they had narrowed it down to 10 strong candidates who would proceed to the interview stage.”

Related Terms:

Candidate Screening

Job Matching

Pre-Employment Assessment

Peer Review

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