

In business and organizational contexts, “redundancy” refers to the duplication or excess of roles, processes, or resources within a system or structure. It typically occurs when multiple elements or functions perform the same tasks, which can lead to inefficiencies and increased costs. Redundancy can be strategic, aimed at providing backup systems to ensure continuity, or unintentional, resulting from poor planning or overlapping responsibilities.

For example, in a company, having two departments that independently manage customer complaints can lead to redundancy. Both departments may duplicate efforts in resolving issues, thereby wasting resources and time. Identifying and eliminating such redundancies can streamline operations, enhance productivity, and reduce operational costs.

In human resources, redundancy may also refer to job positions that are no longer necessary due to restructuring or technological advancements. This often results in layoffs or redeployment of employees to more critical roles.

Related Terms:


Severance Package

Outplacement Services


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