Passive Candidate

Passive Candidate

A passive candidate is a person who is not actively seeking a new job but may be open to new opportunities if approached. These candidates are typically employed and satisfied with their current role but could be enticed by a compelling offer or career advancement opportunity. Recruiting passive candidates requires a proactive approach, including leveraging […]

Pay Equity

Pay Equity

Pay equity refers to the principle of providing equal pay for work of equal value, irrespective of an employee’s gender, race, or other personal characteristics. It ensures that all employees are compensated fairly for their contributions and skills. This concept is critical in fostering a fair and inclusive workplace, where employees are rewarded based on […]



Pay-for-Performance (P4P) is a compensation strategy where employees, contractors, or vendors are rewarded based on their performance outcomes rather than a fixed salary or hourly wage. This approach aligns financial incentives with the achievement of specific goals or targets, motivating individuals to enhance their productivity and effectiveness. For example, a company may offer a bonus […]

Peer Interview

Peer Interview

A peer interview is an interview conducted by potential colleagues of the candidate rather than supervisors or HR personnel. This type of interview allows current employees to assess whether the candidate will fit well with the team and contribute positively to the work environment. Peer interviews provide insights into the candidate’s interpersonal skills, teamwork abilities, […]

Peer Review

Peer Review

Peer review is a process used primarily in academic and professional settings to ensure the quality, accuracy, and credibility of research and publications. It involves the evaluation of work by one or more experts in the same field before it is published or accepted. This process helps to identify any potential errors, biases, or areas […]

Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal

A performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of an employee’s job performance over a specified period. This review assesses various aspects such as work quality, productivity, teamwork, punctuality, and adherence to company policies. The primary purpose of performance appraisals is to provide feedback to employees, recognize and reward their contributions, identify areas for improvement, and […]

Performance Appraisal System

Performance Appraisal System

A Performance Appraisal System is a structured process used by organizations to assess and evaluate employee performance. It involves setting performance standards, observing and measuring employee output, and providing feedback to help individuals improve and align their efforts with organizational goals. This system typically includes self-assessments, peer reviews, and manager evaluations, ensuring a comprehensive view […]

Performance Bonus

Performance Bonus

A performance bonus is a financial incentive awarded to employees based on their achievement of specific performance goals or metrics. Unlike a standard salary, which is fixed, a performance bonus varies depending on how well an employee meets or exceeds predetermined targets. These bonuses are typically used to motivate employees, align their efforts with organizational […]

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

A Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) is a formal, structured process used by organizations to address and improve an employee’s performance issues. The purpose of a PIP is to outline specific areas where an employee’s performance is lacking and to provide a clear roadmap for improvement. This plan typically includes detailed performance goals, a timeline for […]

Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance management is a systematic process of planning, monitoring, assessing, and enhancing employee performance and effectiveness to achieve organizational goals, objectives, and priorities. It involves a series of interconnected activities and interventions aimed at aligning individual and team performance with organizational strategies, expectations, and standards to drive continuous improvement, productivity, and success. Key components and […]