Internal Mobility

Internal Mobility

Internal mobility refers to the movement of employees within an organization, encompassing transfers, promotions, lateral moves, rotations, or advancements to different roles, departments, functions, or geographic locations. Internal mobility offers employees opportunities for career progression, skill development, and growth while enabling organizations to leverage and retain their talent, fill critical skill gaps, and adapt to […]

Internal Recruitment

Internal Recruitment

“Internal Recruitment” refers to the process of filling job vacancies within an organization by considering and promoting existing employees rather than hiring from outside. This approach leverages the skills and experience of current staff, potentially reducing recruitment costs and time, while also boosting employee morale and retention. Internal recruitment can involve promotions, lateral moves, or […]

International Assignment

International Assignment

An “International Assignment” refers to a job role where an employee is temporarily relocated to work in a country other than their home country. This type of assignment is often part of a company’s global strategy to enhance its operations, support international projects, or develop talent within different markets. Employees on international assignments are usually […]



An internship is a temporary position that offers hands-on work experience in a particular field, often aimed at students or recent graduates looking to gain practical skills and industry knowledge. Internships can be paid or unpaid and typically last for a few months. They provide valuable opportunities for interns to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world […]



An interview is a meeting between a candidate and one or more representatives of an employer, conducted to assess the candidate’s suitability for a job. This process typically involves a series of questions designed to evaluate the candidate’s skills, experience, personality, and fit with the company’s culture. There are various types of interviews, including behavioral, […]



An “Intranet” is a private network used within an organization to facilitate internal communication, collaboration, and information sharing. Unlike the internet, which is accessible to the public, an intranet is restricted to authorized users, typically employees of the organization. It serves as a centralized platform where staff can access company resources, internal documents, policies, and […]

Job Analysis

Job Analysis

Job analysis is the process of studying a job to determine its duties, responsibilities, and requirements. This systematic examination involves collecting information about the tasks performed, the skills and knowledge needed, and the working conditions associated with the job. Methods of job analysis include interviews with current employees, direct observation, questionnaires, and reviewing existing job […]

Job Benchmarking

Job Benchmarking

“Job Benchmarking” is a process used to evaluate and define the key characteristics and requirements of a particular job role within an organization. This involves assessing the job’s responsibilities, necessary skills, experience levels, and performance expectations. The goal is to create a clear and standardized profile that helps with recruitment, performance management, and career development. […]

Job Board

Job Board

A job board is a website where employers post job openings and job seekers apply for those positions. Job boards serve as a marketplace for employment opportunities, providing a platform for companies to advertise vacancies and for job seekers to find potential employment. There are general job boards like Indeed, Monster, and LinkedIn, as well […]

Job Classification

Job Classification

Job classifications play a crucial role in the recruiting process, providing a systematic framework for categorizing and organizing job roles based on specific criteria. This practice enables recruiters and employers to streamline hiring processes, ensure compliance with labor regulations, and facilitate effective workforce planning. Job classifications involve grouping positions with similar duties, responsibilities, skills, and […]