Outplacement Services

Outplacement Services

Outplacement Services are professional services provided to employees who are leaving a company, either due to layoffs, restructuring, or voluntary resignation. These services aim to assist departing employees in finding new employment opportunities and transitioning smoothly into the job market. Outplacement services typically include career counseling, resume writing assistance, job search strategies, interview preparation, and access to job listings.

For example, if a company undergoes downsizing and offers outplacement services to affected employees, these services might involve one-on-one career coaching, workshops on networking and job search techniques, and personalized support in crafting a compelling resume. The goal is to help employees quickly and effectively find new job opportunities, while also demonstrating the company’s commitment to their well-being and career growth.

Related Terms:

Severance Package

Career Coaching


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

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