Lateral Move

Lateral Move

A lateral move refers to a job change within an organization that does not involve a promotion to a higher or lower rank. Instead, it entails transferring to a different role, department, or location at a similar level of responsibility, authority, and compensation. Lateral moves allow employees to explore new opportunities, expand their skills, and gain diverse experiences without advancing vertically in the organizational hierarchy.

Lateral moves offer several benefits for both employees and organizations:

  1. Skill Development: Lateral moves enable employees to develop new skills, knowledge, and perspectives by working in different roles, functions, or areas of the organization. This cross-functional exposure enhances versatility, adaptability, and agility, making employees more valuable and resilient in a dynamic and evolving workplace.
  2. Career Exploration: Lateral moves provide employees with the opportunity to explore alternative career paths, interests, and aspirations within the organization. By trying out different roles or departments, employees can discover their strengths, passions, and areas of professional interest, clarifying their career goals and trajectory.
  3. Networking and Collaboration: Lateral moves facilitate networking, relationship-building, and collaboration across different parts of the organization. By interacting with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, teams, and disciplines, employees can expand their professional networks, build rapport, and foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the organization.
  4. Retention and Engagement: Lateral moves can enhance employee retention, engagement, and job satisfaction by offering opportunities for growth, challenge, and variety in their work experiences. Employees are more likely to stay with an organization that invests in their development, values their contributions, and offers opportunities for advancement and mobility.

From an organizational perspective, lateral moves contribute to talent development, succession planning, and workforce agility by building a diverse and versatile talent pool. By encouraging lateral mobility, organizations can leverage employees’ skills, expertise, and potential more effectively, matching talent with opportunities and maximizing organizational performance and competitiveness.

You may also be interested in learning about these terms:
Lateral Move
Employee Engagement
Employee Retention

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