Glass Ceiling

Glass Ceiling

The “Glass Ceiling” is a metaphorical barrier that prevents certain individuals, particularly women and minorities, from advancing to higher levels of leadership and decision-making within an organization, regardless of their qualifications or achievements. This invisible barrier is not always explicitly stated but is often a result of entrenched biases, discriminatory practices, and systemic inequalities that hinder the career progression of affected groups.

For example, a highly qualified female executive may encounter a glass ceiling if she is consistently overlooked for promotions to top leadership positions, despite her proven performance and experience. This phenomenon highlights the broader issue of unequal opportunities and the need for organizations to address structural and cultural factors that contribute to career stagnation for underrepresented groups.

Related Terms:

Gender Pay Gap

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

Affirmative Action

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

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